
Pet supplements for your pet’s nutritional well being

Pet supplements for your pet’s nutritional well being - Captain Zack

“You are what you eat,” they say. This holds true not only for humans but also for your furry companions. Nutritional deficiencies are common in our four-legged companions, just as they are in humans. Supplements are necessary for our baby's health to make up for these deficits.
If you poke around the supplement aisle in the Pet Store, there are a million different labels and bottles. And we often find ourselves Googling our way to the correct supplements for our furry friends. However, it’s important to understand our pet’s body before anything else.

What causes nutritional deficiencies in pets?
The nutrient requirement varies depending on the breed, size, and several other
factors. For example, a dog’s body requires higher levels of certain nutrients during growth than during adulthood.
Deficiencies in our pets can be caused by a variety of factors, including not being fed enough mother’s milk when the pet is an infant, feeding “natural,” “organic,” or “vegetarian” diets, or even due to poor quality commercial dry food.
As a matter of fact, fleas can also inhibit the absorption of nutrients in the body
leading to deficiencies. We must keep a close eye on any unusual symptom in our pet's body to identify these deficits.
Signs of deficiencies
A nutritional deficiency can have a huge effect on a dog’s skin and haircoat, as well as lead to ailments in the body.
Nutritional issues should be considered if any of the following signs are prevalent:
● Flaking and seborrhoea
● Weight loss or an inability to gain weight
● Stunted growth
● Bowed limbs
● Change in or loss of hair color
● Repeated infectious diseases
● Sparse, dry, dull hair with “split ends”
● Change in feces

Choosing the right supplements for your pet baby
Pet supplements are “wellness” products that aim to safeguard your pet's health
while also avoiding the barriers and costs of mainstream healthcare.
In the modern age, pet parents are growing increasingly aware of their pets' health.
We frequently find ourselves asking a slew of questions about the best supplements for our furry companions.
Common supplements and their benefits
1. Antioxidants- Antioxidants are nutrients in food that help protect your dog or
cat's body from free radical damage. They're essential for keeping your pet
healthy. Vitamins C and E are two common antioxidants.
2. Probiotics- Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms found in the digestive
tract. These healthy bacteria in the gut help with digestion and intestinal
health. They also aid in the digestion of food, the production of nutrients and
vitamins, the defense against pathogens, and the strengthening of immunity.
3. Omega 3 - Fish oil is one of the most frequently purchased dietary
supplements by pet owners. It protects the heart, helps arthritic joints, and
improves neurologic development and cognitive function, to name a few
4. Glucosamine- Diseases that affect human bone and joint health, such as
osteoporosis, arthritis, and hip dysplasia, can also affect our dogs.
Glucosamine aids in the relief of Arthritis symptoms and the rebuilding of bone
and joint cartilage.
Are supplements safe for my pet?
Pet supplements ensure that your pet receives the dietary nutrients that food alone cannot provide. Anything that is provided in the proper proportions to your pet baby is safe.
Excessive supplementing can be dangerous. Excess calcium, for example, can
cause skeletal problems in your pets, while too much vitamin A can harm blood
vessels, dehydrate them, and cause joint pain. Excess vitamin D can prompt kidney failure.

When pet supplements are not available, some owners make the mistake of giving human supplements to their pets. This can be extremely unsafe for the pet and should be avoided under all circumstances.
How often should I be giving supplements to my pet?
It is best to take your pet to the vet if you see even the slightest change in their

Although you may be able to identify deficiency issues by scouring the internet, it is preferable to consult with your veterinarian and have the dosage prescribed, since an excess of any supplement, or a dosage deficit, can be dangerous to your pet. It is important for you and your pet’s veterinarian to discuss the specifics of your furry's dietary pattern, depending on which the vet will prescribe the dosage and duration of supplementation for your furry.

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